Big Stone Therapies is a strong supporter of the United Way of Southwest Minnesota. Employees contributed $651.82 through payroll pledges/donations/special events and Big Stone Therapies made an additional investment of $641.82 for a total campaign of $1,293.64.

Big Stone Therapies Invests in United Way

 Big Stone Therapies is a strong supporter of the United Way of Southwest Minnesota. Employees contributed $651.82 through payroll pledges/donations/special events and Big Stone Therapies made an additional investment of $641.82 for a total campaign of $1,293.64.

The United Way of Southwest Minnesota is proud to have Big Stone Therapies among its supporters.

Thank you for your investment and for LIVING UNITED United Way of Southwest Minnesota fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in every community. LIVE UNITED.

For more information on our commitment to the area, please visit our website at

Big Stone contributors include: (Front row, left to right) Kelly Rouge, Betty Gossen, Amy Homan, Brianna Bridgewater, Ashley Holm, Catie Dahl, Ronni Vlaminck, Daynna Larsen and Kelli Larson. Back Row: Ryan Landberg, Kelsey Buysse, Amy Schmiesing, Aaron Sattler, Jeremy VanKlompenburg, Nic Doeling, Kirsten Verly and Shannon Hauger.

Contact Us

The Minneota Mascot
Address: 201 N. Jefferson
Minneota, MN 56264

Phone:(507) 872-6492