Ask the Chief
Almost every newer cell phone or device has some form of “SOS” or “I need help” panic button feature. How it’s activated can vary from phone to phone along with who is contacted.
Almost every newer cell phone or device has some form of “SOS” or “I need help” panic button feature. How it’s activated can vary from phone to phone along with who is contacted.
Gotta do what works When the Winter Sports Season ended, who turned on their crystal ball to foresee the series of events that would cause chaos and near ruin of the Spring Sports Season?
With the warmer temperature, we are seeing the river rise in Minneota.
This also means that there are sump pumps working overtime to move water from around your basement.
Minneota Summer Recreation Director Tyson Sonnenburg Monday submitted to the city council a plan that would divide his duties, in light of a new job and inability to manage the program full time.
Keeping informed in Minneota We are living in the days of information technology so that one does not have to go very far to be flooded with news and current events.
I’ve seen a growing trend where people go into a business and start pounding their first on the counter demanding service.
When did this become acceptable behavior?
Whenever we have snow, rain, fog or other weather that impairs your ability to see, Minnesota State law requires you to turn on your headlights and taillights.
Signs of spring are starting to appear.
With the recent warm weather and rain, many yards have standing water on the ground.
A few homes look like they have little ponds.