Ask the Chief
Every year, I receive complaints about campers, RV’s, semi-tractor/trailers and other large vehicles being parked overnight on city streets.
Every year, I receive complaints about campers, RV’s, semi-tractor/trailers and other large vehicles being parked overnight on city streets.
Occasionally I ask our community for help when I run into road blocks while trying to provide services to our residents.
A chief concern of an law enforcement agencies is the rise of deadly violence in schools, business and public venues.
Every spring, I am faced with enforcing City Ordinances and without fail I find some people who become very angry when I approach them on the topic of parking, mowing lawns or cleaning up their pro
Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum) is a toxic member of the carrot family. It can grow to heights of eight feet and has clusters of small white flowers that bloom from May to August.
With summer comes hot and humid days and with them the dangers of heat stroke, dehydration and respiratory problems.
Occasionally, I’m asked, "What one thing would you change to make Minneota safer?" Some think having another officer would make our community safer.
Trees are getting leaves, flowers are coming up and some have already had to mow their lawn a few times.
Can’t recall a week when so many SPECTACULAR events happening involving Minneota teams and athletes.
Here’s a quick list of some of the major accomplishments.
The weather has been great, but sadly this time of the year also means an increase in alcohol related calls.