Please give ALL snow plow drivers a break. They are working very hard with long hours trying to keep our roads open and safe.
I’m sure many of you have noticed that people are beginning to show negative responses to the hard winter we are experiencing.
Hold on to your hats Minneota sports fans, because it’s about to get intense around here. The Minneota Boys’ Basketball Team has NEVER, EVER been to a state tournament.
Recent snow storms have once again shown some very common Minnesota driving errors. Now, before you gasp in anger and prepare to march on city hall with a complaint, please allow me to explain.
Sometimes, when adversity hits, people step up. This has happened in light of the incident in which three Minneota players were suspended.
As a society, we focus so much on "the drug", "the alcohol" or whatever "item" is associated with our troubles.
Here we go again! The weatherman is making a mess of the winter sports season. But as hard as he tries, well, he hasn’t been able to stop some very good teams from Minneota.
From time to time, I receive a call from a frustrated resident who is reporting that someone has parked on the street and is blocking their driveway.
Minneota’s nominees for the state’s Triple “A” Award (Academics, Arts, and Athletics Award) this year are seniors Thomas Hennen and Lizzy Gillingham.