Lyon County worked hard at recycling in 2019
GREAT JOB LYON COUNTY! In 2019, residents in our area worked really hard at recycling and disposing of things in the right place.
GREAT JOB LYON COUNTY! In 2019, residents in our area worked really hard at recycling and disposing of things in the right place.
Since the Lyon County Board approved curbside recycling, the county has taken several steps to improve the recycling process.
It’s time for a frank and honest discussion with residents in Lyon County, and particularly with those who are using the community recycling drop sites.
After a couple of months of uncertainty, a new recycling contract was approved Tuesday by the Lyon County Board of Commissioners.
Due to a lack of a quorum, the Lyon County Board decided to set a special meeting to approve an agreement with Southwest Sanitation for curbside recycling collection services.
Well folks, I’ve been doing quite a bit of reflecting on the past 26-plus years and I’ve been blessed to have this job.