School board hires much-needed English teacher

The Minneota School Board Tuesday night approved Nicole Berning as an English Teacher beginning January 2, 2020. She will teach four hours of English a day.
“She is coming from Marshall where she taught English in High School,” said Minneota Principal Jeremy Frie. “It will be nice to get back up to full strength (in the English Department),” said Principal Frie.
“There has been an extra load on the English staff because basically they were operating one person short.”
“It’s been a load for our new teacher and for our retired teacher (who came back to help),” said the principal. “We’re excited to have her. She comes highly recommended,” said Principal Frie.
IN OTHER action the board: •Noted the enrollment has increased from 535 to 540 in the last month.
•Approved volunteer Bryce Bruner as a wrestling coach.
•Approved an amended contract for the sharing of a special education teacher with Ivanhoe for the current school year. Ivanhoe will pay Minneota for its share of the “shared position.”
•Approved the levy limitation and certification, which is a 1.85 percent increase from last year.
•Set the next school board meeting from 7 p.m., January 21 in the conference room. Also set a 7 a.m. re-organization meeting for January 6 in the conference room.
•The annual Truth in Taxation Hearing was held with Supt. Dan Deitte explaining the financial and tax situation to the school board. He indicated, “We’re in good shape.”