Opera House show opens on October 6

The Lake Benton Opera House will present its fall play, “The Cemetery Club” beginning Friday, Oct. 6.
The story involves three widows who meet once a month for tea before going to visit their husbands’ graves. Ida (played by Lori Sanderson of Tyler) is sweet-tempered and ready to begin a new life; Lucille (Becky Lothert of Marshall) is a feisty embodiment of the girl who just wants to have fun; and Doris (Kathy Holck of Ruthton) is priggish and judgmental, particularly when Sam (Tom Schmitt of Porter) the butcher enters the scene.
He meets the widows while visiting his wife’s grave.
Doris and Lucille quash the budding romance between Sam and Ida, and are guilt-stricken when Sam shows up with Mildred (Betty Andries of Marshall) and nearly breaks Ida’s heart.
The play was originally produced in 1987 by the Yale Repertory Theatre and is written by Ivan Menchell.
Mark Wilmes of Tyler is directing with Nathaniel Gates of Brookings, South Dakota as the technical director. Costuming was done by Sandy Hanson of Tyler and the cast.
Sanderson and Lothert are both making their Opera House debuts in the production.
Not only is the production Sanderson’s first at the Opera House, but the show is her first major role anywhere, citing her previous experience as “the church Christmas play.”
Holck is a veteran of many past Opera House shows, including “Pirates of the Chemotherapy,” “Nunset Boulevard” and “The Dixie Swim Club.”
Schmitt has played several roles in the past at the Opera House, including Cogsworth in “Beauty and the Beast,” Lazar Wolf in “Fiddler on the Roof” and the Cowardly Lion in “The Wizard of Oz.”
Andries appeared in the spring of 2017 in “Secrets of a Soccer Mom” and also appeared in “Almost, Maine,” among other productions over the past several years.
The show will run Oct. 6, 7, 13, 14 at 7:30 p.m. and Oct. 8, 15 at 2 p.m.
Tickets can be reserved by calling 507-368-4620 or going to www.lakebentonoperahouse.com.