Is this my school???

The doors to the bus opened and kids began to pile out. But many had looks on their faces, as if to wonder if they were dropped off at the right school. Minneota’s elementary school was so totally revamped during the summer months, it almost didn’t look like the same school.
As Minneota kids began to explore the changes on Tuesday, they found remodeled bathrooms, brighter hallways, more room in their classrooms and a new decor throughout.
But outside, the formerly plain entrance now has an outside sitting area, bike rack and glorious new windows — hardly the drab look they left behind in May.
While finishing touches are yet to be added, the school rooms were ready and the teachers invited their students in the new surroundings.
At the Minneota High School, where a completely renovated competition gym greeted new students, so did a couple of new teachers.
One of them, Cari Pohlen, brings a new class to life in the school. Cari will be teaching a Fitness For Life class to the upperclassman.
“I’m really excited to get to work with young adults, all of different talents and abilities. I look forward to working with students that want to lead healthy active lives now and after high school is done,” said Pohlen.
She owns and operates FIT24 in Minneota. “Students will have the opportunity to try new styles and variations of exercise.”
“And they are encouraged to step out of their own comfort zones.
Most importantly, they can look forward to being active and having fun,” said Pohlen.
Also joining the staff is English Teacher Kelsea (Tolk) Anderson is a Minneota graduate who also played sports at Minneota. She spent her first year of teaching (2017-2018) teaching English at Marshall High School.
She said, “I’m excited about coming home because I love this community. I grew up as a Viking, and I always pictured myself returning because of my love for the school and the people in and around it.”
Anderson will be teaching English 8, English 10, English 12, and one semester of Speech 10. She replaces Heather Anderson, who took the position of Principal at Ivanhoe Elementary Schools.
At the St. Edward Catholic School, the new music teacher is Katharine Rybinski. She replaces Lois Stanton, who guided the music program for years.
“I was retired but saw this as an opportunity,” said Rybinski, who lives in Hendricks. She previously taught piano lessons to students.