Get your poppies for Memorial Day

The Minneota American Legion Auxiliary Unit 199 will be distributing poppies in various locations in Minneota and Taunton this week.
They will also be distributed May 28 before the Memorial Day Program near the entrance of the Legion Hall.
Watch for the decorated donation containers, choose a poppy, and remember to PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY!
The poppy, which bloomed on the battlefields of France after World War I, has grown to become an internationally-known and recognized symbol of the lives sacrificed in war, and the hope that NONE died in vain.
ALL PROCEEDS benefit veterans, active-duty service members, and their families.
Disabled veterans continue to make poppies as a therapeutic wellness-activity, and are paid a small amount to make them to help supplement their income.
The American Legion Memorial Poppy is the emblem of sacrifice. Receive a poppy, in exchange for a donation, to wear in remembrance of those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom!
Once again, please give a donation and proudly display your poppy!