County board improving recycling system

Since the Lyon County Board approved curbside recycling, the county has taken several steps to improve the recycling process.
The board accepted a quote of $28,000 from Mert’s Machine and Repair of Luverne for a cargo trailer to be used as a household hazardous waste mobile collection center. It will serve as a collection center for hazardous waste. The old trailer was declared surplus. They also approved quotes received for the private purchase of recycling sheds.
“We are no longer using them,” said Commissioner Steve Ritter. They included, with the prices: Amiret $250; Florence $207; Garvin $400; Green Valley $501; Landfill $600; Landfill $400; Lynd $600; Taunton $510. They are being replaced by containers purchased earlier by the county.
The county will receive $4,000 total for these sheds and decided to put the money back into the recycling funds to help pay for the new containers. Environmental Director Roger Schroeder said, “We had 16 1/2 tons of recycling in November.”