Bids high, rejected for county park project

Bids were rejected to improve the Twin Lakes Park near Florence to establish a second campground with shower/bathroom facilities, picnic shelter and other amenities.

The park is located in Shelburne Township and the project includes more room for off-street parking. The county currently has a $340,000 Legacy Grant that could be lost if they delay development of the park.

However, Lyon County Engineer Aaron VanMoer said, “The bids came in higher than the engineers estimate — about 70 percent higher,” he said.

VanMoer told the board, “I’m at somewhat of a loss. We need to reject the bids.” The board is concerned with the project because they don’t want to lose the Legacy Grant money.

“The grant money is a pay as you go situation,” said Commissioner Anderson. The board suggested perhaps the county could begin work on the project until new bids are taken and received, in an effort to show work is being done.

VanMoer felt, “As long as we complete the project by the 2020 deadline, the grant money will be there.” “I think we need to figure how to use up the grant dollars first so the contract is in place. We need to get bids or quotes to get the project started,” said Commissioner Anderson.

IN OTHER action the board:

•Approved a plan to modify the planned parking lot entrance on Sixth Street at the government center in an effort to add two parking spots.

“By eliminating the street entrance and repaving the current lot, the two lots would be gained,” said Lyon County Engineer Aaron VanMoer. The board has been constantly aware of the shortage of parking spaces at the government center.

•Approved the use of buffer funds to purchase a drill/buffer seeder to aid in the establishment of buffer strips. Many landowners wish to seed small areas into buffers. The Lyon County Soil and Water Conservation District would like to establish a program in which a seeder could be provided to landowners to use on limited bases.

Guidelines will be established for use of the equipment and a policy on the seeding program will be developed. The SWCD Board of Supervisors will get quotes for the drill. The estimated cost is $14,000.

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