Stuff the Bus School Supply Drive underway

United Way of Southwest Minnesota is seeking new school supplies, financial contributions and/or hygiene product donations to help local children start the school year off right. Can you help Stuff the Bus?
Donation barrels and boxes will be located at Shopko; Wal-Mart; Marshall Area YMCA; Menards; Bremer Bank; SWWC Service Cooperative—Market Street Mall; Hy-Vee; Lockwood Motors; Minnwest Bank Marshall; Dawson Drug and Gift; St. Stephen Lutheran Church—Marshall; First Lutheran Church—Marshall; Bank of the West—Ivanhoe, Marshall, and Minneota; Killowat Community Center—Granite Falls; Sanford Medical Center—Canby Campus; Fulda Public Library; Jim’s Market—Slayton; ACMC- Marshall; Lyon-Lincoln Electric Cooperative— Tyler; and the United Way of Southwest Minnesota office.
Look for the marked collection containers starting July 2nd. Collection containers will be in place through August 3.
Additionally, Lincoln County 4-H is collecting supplies at the Lincoln County Fair, August 2-5.