Sanford Canby Medical Center recognized by Minnesota Hospital Association for excellence in quality and patient safety

Sanford Canby Medical Center has been recognized by the Minnesota Hospital Association (MHA) for superior performance in quality and patient safety as part of MHA’s Hospital Improvement Innovation Network (HIIN).
MHA is one of 16 national, regional or state organizations selected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to participate in HIIN.
MHA’s HIIN is working to reduce overall patient harm by 20 percent and 30-day hospital readmissions by 12 percent.
To earn this recognition, Sanford Canby Medical Center invested resources to report on at least 75 percent of process measures and metrics measured by HIIN, meet HIIN reduction goals on 70 percent of eligible measures and engage in patient and family engagement efforts.
Sanford Canby Medical Center is focusing attention on several of the HIIN focus areas, including adverse drug events, catheter-associated urinary tract infections, central-line-associated bloodstream infections, injuries from falls and immobility, pressure ulcers, readmissions, surgical site infections, venous thromboembolism, ventilator-associated pneumonia, sepsis, clostridium difficile (CDI), antimicrobial stewardship, and patient and family engagement.
“Sanford Canby Medical Center has demonstrated a commitment to strengthening patient safety in Minnesota, contributing to our state’s well-deserved reputation for high-quality health care,” said Dr. Rahul Koranne, MHA’s chief medical officer.
“Working in partnership, care team members from hospitals and health systems across the state are improving health outcomes for our patients, families and communities.”
“Sanford Canby Medical Center is honored to be recognized for this achievement in quality. Our Clinical staff continuously strive to provide the very best to our patients every day. Our patients are wonderful partners in care,” said Lori Sisk, CEO, Sanford Canby.
For more information about quality and patient safety efforts at Minnesota’s hospitals and health systems, visit