Old Lyon County photographs sought

The Lyon County Historical Society in Marshall, is looking for pictures for an upcoming photograph book for Lyon County’s 150th anniversary.
We are especially looking for photographs from 1970 to the present, and from the communities of Amiret, Florence, Garvin, Ghent, Green Valley, and Taunton. But, we will accept photographs from any time in Lyon County and any community in Lyon County.
Categories include: Agriculture, Commerce, Public Service & Military, Religion, Education, Sports and Leisure, Transportation, Scenes, Disasters, Celebrations, and Community.
The deadline to submit photographs is March 9.
The book is expected to be published around Memorial Day and will go on sale afterwards. Photographs may be submitted to: director@lyoncomuseum.org or dropped off at the Lyon County Museum at 301 W. Lyon St. to be scanned and then returned.
Please include a caption or information about the photograph. For more information, please contact Jennifer at 507-537-6580 or director@lyoncomuseum.org