Minneota gettin’ Bugged

It’s the one time of the year when we eagerly await the invasion of bugs in Minneota. Or, to be more specific, Bug Days. Beginning on Friday evening, Boxelder Bug Days includes three days of fun, food and festivities for the entire family.
The annual community event pays homage to late author, poet and musician Bill Holm, a native of Minneota who wrote several books, including “Boxelder Bug Variations”. Holm, who died in 2009, would have turned 76 years old on Aug. 25, yet his legacy lives on in his works.
Bug Days volunteers have been feverishly working in preparation for this year’s event, beginning with Friday night’s Kick-off Dance featuring Outlaw Entertainment from 8 p.m. to midnight on the main stage in Bug Square.
The Minneota football team also hosts Lakeview at 7 p.m. Friday night, with a fireworks show to follow.
On Saturday, the festivities begin at 6 a.m. and continue until 1 a.m. Sunday morning. In between are various competitions, live music, food, a craft and vendor show, petting zoo, fundraising events, historical information and exhibits, a queen coronation and much more.
Sunday features a Fireman’s Pancake Breakfast, Community Worship Service, St. Edward’s All-School Reunion, Grande Parade, Captain Jack Sparrow, live music, and the annual Golf Ball Roll.
Two of the more popular events held each year during Boxelder Bug Days are the 22nd annual Johnny Tillemans Memorial Chili Cook-off and the Smokin’ BBQ Cook-off, both held on Saturday at Veterans Park. The public can purchase samples from either or both food events and then vote for your favorite recipe.
Musical entertainment back by popular demand this year for Bug Days includes Two Hicks and a Chick, Avenger Joe, Route 68 Big Band, and Kayla Daniels.
New this year will be the Adult Water Fight Tournament on Sunday. This fun and exciting event is becoming increasingly popular at city events.
The Adult Water Fight Tournament, which will be held on Jefferson Street, is an important fundraiser for the community swimming pool renovation project.
More three-person teams are needed to compete in the tournament. Those interested can sign up at Prairie Winds Wellness or Gislason’s Hardware until noon on Friday.
Also new this year is a Historical Icelandic Documentary presented by Cathy Josephson entitled “Sails, Rails, Rivers and Trails. A Journey West”.
Josephson will be speaking at 1:30 p.m. at the Minneota Manor and again at 4:30 p.m. at the library.
It's always one of the highlights of Minneota's annual Boxelder Bug Days celebration. At 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 7 at Boxelder Bug Square, the new queen and her court will be chosen.
Here are the candidates:
- Katie Walerius, daughter of Kayla Streeter and Joel Walerius, Escort Logan Schuelke, son of Donald & Julie Schuelke, sponsored by Fit 24
- Raeann Bruner, daughter of Rick & Mechele Bruner, Escort Dylan DeSmet, son of Jason & Michelle DeSmet, sponsored by Prairie Winds Chiropractic & Wellness
- Klaire Banks, daughter of Steve & Trudy Banks, Escort AJ Myhre, son of Jason & Tina Myhre, sponsored by Brad’s Market
- Jada Nielsen, daughter of April Fales, Escort Caleb Sterzinger, son of David & Dawn Sterzinger, sponsored by Minneota Manor
- Jodi Buysse, daughter of Eric & Jenny Buysse, Escort Beau Banish, son of Chad & Julie Banish, sponsored by B & B Electric