Marshall police investigate two burglaries

The Marshall Police Department received two reports of burglaries to downtown buildings on Tuesday, February 12.
The burglaries were two downtown buildings. One occurred at a business located on N. 3rd St., and the other, at the Marshall City Hall building. Both burglaries appear to be related as a large pry bar was used to gain access to building doors, office doors, and desk drawers.
Cash was taken from City Hall, but nothing appeared to have been taken in the business burglary. Offices and other areas in both buildings appeared to have been gone through.
It is believed these burglaries occurred during the early morning hours of February 12. The cases are under investigation by the Marshall Police Department.
Marshall PD, in conjunction with the Marshall Crime Fund, is offering a reward of $500 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the Police Department at 507-537-7000. Callers may remain confidential.
Marshall PD would also like to take this opportunity to remind residents to be mindful of taking security precautions at their homes and businesses, such as making sure buildings are locked, leaving lights on when not occupied, and considering implementing security systems and/or recording surveillance systems.