Corey J. Skogrand reaches career milestone

Corey J. Skogrand, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU® with Van der Hagen, Skogrand & Associates, a private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. in Marshall, has reached a career milestone through the company’s Circle of Success program by achieving years of consistently high performance.

Less than 7 percent of Ameriprise advisors have earned this distinction.

Skogrand was one of only 56 advisors to achieve this milestone and will be recognized at the company’s 2018 National Conference in San Francisco, California.

As a private wealth advisory practice, Van der Hagen, Skogrand & Associates provides financial advice that is anchored in a solid understanding of client needs and expectations, and is delivered in one-on-one relationships with their clients.

For more information, please contact Amy McNeill-Illies at 507-532-2219 or visit the Ameriprise office at 122 North Third Street, Marshall, MN.

Corey Skogrand

Contact Us

The Minneota Mascot
Address: 201 N. Jefferson
Minneota, MN 56264

Phone:(507) 872-6492