Christensen, Pesch earn degrees

Minnesota State University, Mankato will award 2,335 degrees at the end of the spring 2018 semester, with approximately 1,600 students participating in three graduation ceremonies on campus Saturday, May 5 in Taylor Center's Bresnan Arena.
Students in the colleges of Arts & Humanities and Science, Engineering & Technology will take part in the 9 a.m. ceremony; those in the colleges of Allied Health & Nursing and Education will participate in the noon event; and students in the colleges of Business and Social & Behavioral Sciences will be graduated in the 3 p.m. ceremony Live-streaming captioning services will be provided for each ceremony.
Candidates for graduate degrees will graduate with the college of their affiliation.
Advanced degrees to be awarded include nine doctor of education degrees and two doctor of nursing practice degrees.
Graduate degrees to be awarded include 105 master of arts degrees, eight master of accounting degrees, three master of arts in teaching degrees, 10 master of business administration degrees, 15 master of fine arts degrees, three master of music degrees, eight master of public administration degrees, 206 master of science degrees, seven master of science in nursing degrees, one professional science master's degree and 25 specialist in educational leadership degrees.
To be awarded at the undergraduate level are 84 bachelor of arts degrees, one bachelor of applied science, 34 bachelor of fine arts degrees, 1,669 bachelor of science degrees, 25 bachelor of science in general engineering degrees, 15 bachelor of science in civil engineering degrees, 10 bachelor of science in computer engineering degrees, 19 bachelor of science in electrical engineering degrees, 22 bachelor of science in mechanical engineering degree, 34 bachelor of science in social work degrees and 21 associate of arts degrees.
Undergraduate students receiving recognition will include 140 students graduating summa cum laude (3.8 grade point average and higher), 313 students graduating magna cum laude (grade point averages of 3.5 to 3.79) and 280 students graduating cum laude (grade point averages of 3.3 to 3.49).
Local students graduating are:
Alex Christensen, BS, Exercise Science, Minneota
Charles Pesch, BS, Economics, Minneota