Mudhen rally nips Hancock
They say a good team will find a way to win even if they're not playing well.
They say a good team will find a way to win even if they're not playing well.
Friday a two-out single by Tyson Sonnenburg in the bottom of the 11th helped the Minneota Mudhens beat the Morris Eagles, 6-5 Friday night in Marshall.
The plan was altered by Dumont.
The Minneota Mudhens planned to be in the winners bracket in Sunday's Division 9C Playoffs, but Dumont had another idea.
The Minneota Mudhens needed a "warm-up" before their playoff-opening game on Saturday.
"It'll be two weeks since we played so we really needed this," said Manager Tyson Sonnenburg.
Minneota’s drive to stay on top of the league in the Land O’ Ducks feel apart last week when, like the sun baking the parched summer crops, the Mudhens entered a “run drought”.
It was a crazy game at the Irish Field in Milroy on Friday.
For starters, Minneota led 1-0 after six endings.
Get this, Milroy committed six errors.
Henry Pesch got hooked up in a pitching dual against the Windom Pirates Friday night. “He had eight strikeouts in six innings,” said Manager Tyson Sonnenburg.
His long hair flailed in the cool breezes of K. P. Kompelien Field Sunday, but it was his arm that made the difference.