Junior & Senior High Honor Roll for Minneota Schools
Minneota Public School Second Quarter Junior High Honor Roll 2019-2020
Minneota Public School Second Quarter Junior High Honor Roll 2019-2020
Minneota Public School First Quarter Junior High Honor Roll 2019-2020
On Sunday, October 13, the Minneota National Honor Society inducted new members for this school year.
Minneota Public Junior High
Straight A Seventh Grade: Cora Fischer, Maxwell Rost, Kylie Sterzinger.
Eighth Grade: Michael Popowski.
Minneota Public School
Third Quarter Junior High Honor Roll 2018-2019
Minneota students participated in the 7-8th grade; 9-10 grade and 11-12 grade Honor Band last weekend at the Schwan’s Community Center for the Performing Arts in Marshall last weekend.
Minneota Public School First Quarter Junior High Honor Roll 2018-2019
St. Edward School
3rd Quarter Honor Roll 2017-2018
Highest Honors: (4.0)
Fifth Grade-Noah Gorecki, Eli Gruenes
Several Minneota musicians participated in the recent Southwest Minnesota Band Directors Association Honors Band at the Schwan’s Community Center for the Performing Arts in Marshall.