More City Hall investors are needed
In order to proceed with the construction of the restaurant portion at the City Hall Bar & Grill in downtown Minneota, more investors are being sought.
In order to proceed with the construction of the restaurant portion at the City Hall Bar & Grill in downtown Minneota, more investors are being sought.
Several local performers are among the 60 cast and crew members currently rehearsing for the upcoming musical “Beauty and the Beast” at the Lake Benton Opera House.
The legislative Town Hall meetings were conducted this week in the area by Representative Chris Swedzinski (R-Ghent) and Senator Gary Dahms (R-Redwood Falls).
State Senator Gary Dahms (R – Redwood Falls) and State Representative Chris Swedzinski (R – Ghent) have announced that the town hall meetings for District 16A scheduled for Thursday, May 25, 2017 h
Last year, the Minneota Athletic Hall of Fame introduced it’s first class of inductees and 10 were named to the honor.
"We need more investors to make this happen," said Eric Buysse, president of the investors group that has already renovated the City Hall Bar & Grill.
With locomotives hauling bricks from the Willmar Brick Company to Minneota, horse-drawn wagons then brought the bricks from the depot to the downtown area.
In an effort to entice new investors to the City Hall Bar & Grill group so they can continue to progress it into an eating establishment, an informational meeting has been planned.