Windows in place
The new City Hall Bar and Grill, with the grill portion under construction, got new windows recently on main street.
The new City Hall Bar and Grill, with the grill portion under construction, got new windows recently on main street.
State Senator Gary Dahms (R – Redwood Falls) and State Representative Chris Swedzinski (R – Ghent) invite District 16A residents to attend their joint town hall meetings on Monday, January 29, 2018
Work is underway inside the City Hall Bar and Grill. The newly-constructed addition to the bar will house the Grill, or restaurant.
Folks have missed having a restaurant in Minneota. But a group of investors set out to solve that problem and they are part way there.
Grill going UP!
The walls for the addition to the City Hall Bar and Grill went up this past week and the roof is being attached.
For several months, the grill portion of the name City Hall Bar & Grill has been incomplete. That is now in the process of changing.
The Lake Benton Opera House will present its fall play, “The Cemetery Club” beginning Friday, Oct. 6.
The old song, “We are family,” could have been the theme for Minneota’s second Hall of Fame induction.
The second induction ceremony into the Minneota Hall of Fame will be held at 6:30 p.m. Saturday at the competition gym at Minneota High School.
It won't be long now and the latter portion of the investor-owned City Hall Bar & Grill will become a reality.