Evan Hennen had the attention of judge Alexis Streich as he explained his project about shining pennies and the conclusions he came to during his preparation.Noah Gorecki showed his hypothesis to the judge about which shoes are the fastest (left), then explained how it worked.Madison Hennen, showing judge Nichole Fischer her project about apple oxidation.Sometimes the whole thing can be trying. So Joe Beisler took a little rest while he waited for the judging competition to finish.Winners included: (front row, left to right) Joe Beisler, Elena Myhre and Simon Gruenes. Middle Row: Gabe Sterzinger, Trent Badgett, Lauren Badgett, Wyatt Pohlen, Noah Gorecki and Kylie Callens. Back Row: Madison Hennen, Sarah Gruenes, Leo Hennen, Riley Wambeke and Evan Hennen.

St. Edward Science Fair

St. Edward School in Minneota turned the World of Science over to the kids to see what they could prove in the way of scientific experiments and knowledge.

Many used the opportunity to prove a theory by testing products against one another. Winners will advance to regional competition.

But even those who did not advance learned a lot about science and the part it plays in products taken as every day items we don’t often think about.

Contact Us

The Minneota Mascot
Address: 201 N. Jefferson
Minneota, MN 56264

Phone:(507) 872-6492