North Pole Extravaganza
Looking over books at the Bethel Church were Nancy Wiese and Linda Pedersen.
Donna Buysse looked over items at the Bethel Church. Shoppers gathered around the till at the Arched Door.
Finding a Christmas Tree was Connie Johnson. Juanita Bot shopped the dresses and clothing items at the Arched Door.
Overlooking the entire North Pole Extravaganza from his portrait at B Lenore is owner Beth Buysse’s grandfather George Sarazyn.
Celebrating her first anniversary at “This and That Recreated”, Shirley Gladis celebrated her first year in business. Looking over baked items were Kathy Wyffels, Gayle VanVooren and Margrit Rabaey.
Showing off jewelry she liked was Darlene Josephson.
Santa Claus looked over a brochure of Christmas items with Eli Faris. It was Eli’s “Wish List.”