Barb and Gene Fodness of Minneota got on the floor.97-year-old Zerelda Dahms of Redwood FallsOlsen and his band played their style of music.Olson even joined the “line dance”.

Never too old to dance

It was cold and some roads were blocked, so many people stayed at home as the Larry Olsen Polka Band played at the American Legion in Minneota Sunday. But that wasn’t true for 97-year-old Zerelda Dahms of Redwood Falls.

She danced, about every other dance as Olsen and his band played their style of music. Olson even joined the “line dance”, as those in attendance weren’t stopped by the cold temperatures.

Minneota folks like Barb and Gene Fodness of Minneota got on the floor as well as those from other towns.

“I talked to Jim Fink (American Legion Commander) earlier to see if we should cancel it. We knew the crowds would be down,” said Olsen.

“But we decided we come anyway because we knew there would be some people here.”

If your excuse for not being there was it was too cold, you don’t have to look any further than to Dahms, who doesn’t let much stop her at all.

Hey, she’s 97 and still dancin’!

97-year-old Zerelda Dahms of Redwood Falls

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The Minneota Mascot
Address: 201 N. Jefferson
Minneota, MN 56264

Phone:(507) 872-6492