Brooke Moorse (left) showed her emotion as she was crowned Boxelder Bug Days Queen by retiring Queen Jodi Buysse (right). The 2020 Boxelder Bug Day royalty. From left to right: Ava Larson, Second Princess; Ellen Meagher, First Princess; Brooke Moorse, Queen; and Morgen Wersal, Second Princess.The 2020 Boxelder Bug Day royalty and their escorts. From left to right: Landon DeSmet, Ava Larson, Second Princess; Troy Van Keulen, Ellen Meagher, First Princess; Brooke Moorse, Queen; Jackson Esping, Morgen Wersal, Second Princess and Christian Moon. 
Boxelder Bug Days Committee Chairmen Scott Josephson (right) awarded outgoing royalty scholarships and thanked them for their year of service. They are (left to right) Jodi Buysse, Queen; Klaire Banks, First Princess; and Raeann Bruner, Second Princess. Past Boxelder Bug Days Queen Abby Vlaminck served as the emcee for the coronation festivities. Masks were worn by the candidates and their escorts at the coronation on Saturday. They are: (front row, left to right) Ava Larson, Brooke Moorse, Morgen Wersal and Ellen Meagher. Back Row: Landon DeSmet and Jackson Esping.


Moorse named queen of Boxelder Bug Days

As last year's Boxelder Bug Days queen Jodi Buysse maneuvered behind the four 2020 candidates in preparation of the crowning of queen and princesses, one thing would through Brooke Moorse's mind.
"After they crowned Ellen (Meagher) the First Princess, a sense of calm came over me and I didn't care what happened at that point," she said. "I was just glad we could have a coronation this year after all that had been going on (with the pandemic)."
The crown eventually did settle on Moorse's head, and the unassuming Minneota junior let out a gasp with her mouth agape, then placed both hands on her cheeks to express her complete surprise.
She turned back toward Buysse as if to get reassurance that she was indeed the new Boxelder Bug Days queen.
The queen coronation was held at K.P. Kompelien Field in a similar fashion as the 2020 high school graduation ceremony. Each of the 2019 royalty and their escorts were introduced by Master of Ceremonies Abby Vlaminck, the 2013 Boxelder Bug Days queen.
They were: Jodi Buysse (sponsored by B&B Electric), the daughter of Eric and Jenny Buysse, escorted by Chase Differding; First Princess Klaire Banks (Brad's Market), the daughter of Steve and Trudy Banks, escorted by AJ Myhre; and Second Princess Raeann Bruner (Prairie Winds Wellness), the daughter of Jason and Michelle Bruner, escorted by Dylan DeSmet.
The four 2020 candidates and their escorts were then introduced:Brooke Moorse (sponsored by the Minneota Mascot), the daughter of Greg and Becky Moorse, was escorted by Jackson Esping. Ellen Meagher (sponsored by the Minneota Manor Health Care Center), the daughter of Casey and Jody Meagher, was escorted Troy VanKeulen. Morgen Wersal (B&B Electric), the daughter of Jeff Wersal and Lori and Brent Buysse, was escorted by Christian Moon. Ava Larson (Prairie Winds Wellness), the daughter of Keven and Kari Larson, was escorted by Landon DeSmet.
The queen coronation started at 3 p.m. Saturday under cloudy skies. A light sprinkle fell periodically, but not enough to put a damper on the festivities.
Each of the candidates were asked a prior question and had to give their responses during the coronation ceremony. The question pertained to the coronavirus pandemic and how we can stay safe during this uncharted time.
Boxelder Bug Days Committee Chairman Scott Josephson gave a historical overview of the history of Boxelder Bug Days and how its named replaced Town and Country Days in honor of the late Bill Holm. Josephson then turned back to the 2020 candidates seated behind him and spoke.
"You are a privileged group. This is something that no one before you has done," he said, referring to the virtual portion of the coronation and holding it outdoors with only family members able to attend because of the pandemic.
"And to last year's group," he added, "it's been a tough year with not getting to be in parades and things and the Boxelder Bug Days committee really appreciates you."
Josephson also presented last year's royalty with scholarships.
Jodi Buysse's older sister, Emily, was First Princess in 2016. And Moorse said it was because of their friendship and companionship with her through many years of 4-H together that she wanted to be a queen candidate this year with a chance to represent Minneota.
The four 2020 candidates are friends and will all represent the city well. After Meagher and Moorse were crowned, the other candidates, Morgen Wersal and Ava Larson were named Second Princesses.
"I hope the four of us can do some type of virtual communication through social media," said Moorse. "That will give people a chance to see our face and get to know all of us. Maybe we can do something like read a book once or twice a month to the kids, or just inform people of the things that we will be doing during the year."
After the new royalty had their photos taken, they paraded through town. Last year's royalty, which rode on the tradition royalty float in the parade, missed out on all the summer parades due to the coronavirus this summer. The only parade they were able to ride in was the Boxelder Bug Day parade last year which was cold and rainy.
Josephson also announced that the 2019 royalty would get to ride in all parades in the 2021 season, along with the 2020 royalty.
"I really enjoyed the parade through town," said Moorse. "There were a lot of little girls watching and waving. That was really special. I hope that they look at us and someday want to be a Boxelder Bug Days queen like I did."
The only downfall of the day was the tired mouths Moorse and the other candidates got from smiling all day.
"We had to pretty much smile all day during the ceremony for pictures and in the parade and other things," she said. "But it was all well worth it."

Brooke Moorse, a junior at Minneota, expressed surprise when she was selected as the 2020 Boxelder Bug Days queen on Saturday. Photo above: The 2020 Boxelder Bug Day royalty. From left to right: Ava Larson, Second Princess; Ellen Meagher, First Princess; Brooke Moorse, Queen; and Morgen Wersal, Second Princess. Mascot photos by Scott Thoma

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The Minneota Mascot
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Minneota, MN 56264

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