Cherri's Korner

T-shirt Scarves

T-shirt scarves I was looking for projects to do with my girls this summer and stumbled on this project.

Do you have a favorite old t-shirt but you don’t want to give or throw it away?

Make it into a t-shirt scarf!

T-Shirt Scarf

Step 1: Lay the T-shirt out on a flat surface, front side facing up. Cut off any tags inside and outside of the shirt.

Step 2: Cut off the hem of the shirt from one side to the other. Then start at one armpit of the shirt and cut across to the other side. You are now left with the middle of the shirt.

Step 3: Put the hem and top of the shirt off to the side.

Step 4: With the body of the shirt, cut ¾” to 1” wide strips from one folded end all the way through to the other. This will leave you with multiple loops.

Step 5: Stretch each loop as far as you can. You will want them to be as long as possible so that your scarf will hang lower. You will see that the loops start to curl and become thinner. Do this to each loop, and put three of them off to the side.

Step 6: Hang the rest of the loops of T-shirt over your hand, lining the seams.

Step 7: Use one of the left over strips (with seam cut out) and wind it around the loops in your hand, covering the seams.

Once wrapped, tie knot and tuck it under. Repeat on the other seam if there is one. Hint: If you want more color, try wrapping with a different colored T-shirt.

Cherri Schmig

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The Minneota Mascot
Address: 201 N. Jefferson
Minneota, MN 56264

Phone:(507) 872-6492