Ask the Chief

Truancy is a word that sounds like it came out of the 1950s, but it is very important to our community’s youth. Truancy is generally defined by Minnesota State Statute as, “A child who is absent from school without a valid excuse.”
Minnesota’s education system is compulsory, meaning that children must attend school or otherwise be excused based upon specific information provided to the school. Many studies have shown that a child’s performance both in school and in the future is directly linked to their attendance.
Children who are absent from school run a higher risk of struggling academically along with having developmental issues at an early age. See article at
In Minnesota, we take your child’s future very seriously, and I work closely with the school to help them have the best opportunity possible. Minnesota State Statute 260C.143 grants peace officers and probation officers the authority to locate, detain and transport children who are truant, to either their residence (releasing to a parent) or to the school.
If your child is going to be absent you must notify the school. If you don’t, then you will most likely find me knocking on your door. It may help you and your child to think of school like a job. You can’t just not show up for work.
If you are sick, you call in. If you are going to travel, attend a medical appointment, etc., you just need to tell the school ahead of time.