Ask the Chief

Anyone who has lived through a Minnesota winter knows that snow can be both beautiful and fun while at the same time a burdensome chore and hazard. This is especially true with snow and ice on sidewalks.
The Minneota City Ordinance says, “All snow and ice not removed from the public sidewalks 12 hours after the snow or other precipitation causing the condition has ceased to fall."
This means that the resident and/or property owner must remove snow and ice from the sidewalk so that the sidewalk is free of obstruction and doesn't pose a slip and fall hazard to the public.
Failure to do so may result in a fine and or additional fees should the city be required to remove the snow or ice. While the ordinance stipulates that this must be done within 12 hours I WILL NOT be standing on the curb with a stop watch waiting for the exact moment the 12 hour time limit expires.
Rather, I prefer to give people 24 to 36 hours to comply with the ordinance so that it is clearly evident that they have had an opportunity to either remove the snow or arrange for someone to remove it for them. It is also a violation of the ordinance to blow or shovel snow into the street or onto your neighbor's property.
As a final note: In Minneota, we pride ourselves on being a friendly community dedicated to each other and willing to go the extra mile when needed. This positive attitude is very much appreciated when neighbors help neighbors with their snow removal.
If you have an elderly or disabled neighbor I encourage you to clean their sidewalk for them (especially those who lack the financial means by which to pay for the service). In doing this, you not only help prevent a slip and fall injury but you also show pride in your neighborhood and concern for those who are less fortunate.