Ask the Chief

What a great question for this time of the year.
I can 100 percent tell you that cabin fever is real and affects almost everyone to some degree or another.
A form of cabin fever is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder and it can have a big impact on your life.
People become more irritable and sensitive whenever we have a long winter or a really bad snow storm like we recently experienced.
In law enforcement, we will see an increase in domestic assaults, disorderly conduct and other crimes where people don't get along with each other.
This year is turning out to be exceptionally bad as I have been busy trying to help people in some very bad situations.
I encourage everyone to have patience with one another.
Try to get outside as much as possible. Take your medications and eat healthy foods rich in vitamins.
Join a local gym and start a comfortable workout routine.
Something as small as walking one mile each day can have big benefits in your life.
Avoid smoking and alcohol.
Almost all of my serious and dangerous calls have one thing in common — drunk people, if you are going to drink, limit it to one or two.
I will do my best to help you in a crisis, but your cooperation would be greatly appreciated.