Cole Hennen lost match to No. 2-ranked wrestler
The Southwest Minnesota State wrestling team (0-3, 0-2 NSIC) earned four bout victories despite falling 26-12 to DIII defending-national champions, Augsburg (2-0), in a non-conference dual last Sat
The Southwest Minnesota State wrestling team (0-3, 0-2 NSIC) earned four bout victories despite falling 26-12 to DIII defending-national champions, Augsburg (2-0), in a non-conference dual last Sat
Cole and Tyler Myhre prepare their lamb for showing at the county fair.
The Guillotine 2018 Academic All-State Wrestlers have been named and Minneota’s Cole VanOverbeke is on the first team list.
Cole Bot received the Minneota District VFW nomination for Eagle Scout of the year. Cole became an Eagle Scout in May, 2017.
Minneota's Vikings were part of the huge football camp at SMSU in Marshall this week.
Cole Bot of Minneota received his Eagle Scout award at the Minneota American Legion on Saturday. An Honor Court was held to proclaim the honor he has earned.
The many faces of Cole Bot. During the Speeches & Sweets event for the public on Monday, Cole Bot was a man of many faces as he recited his poetry essay to the audience.