‘White Christmas’ coming to Minneota
Minneota Public Schools is proud to announce the fall musical will be Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas.”
Minneota Public Schools is proud to announce the fall musical will be Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas.”
This year the Christmas Angels program made the biggest impact is had made since its inception four years ago.
Performing in the St. Edward Christmas program was: Bryce Gorecki, as the second grade did, “All I want for Christmas are my two front teeth.”
“A Cup of Christmas Tea” is the story of a young man’s reluctant visit to an elderly aunt at Christmas time, and the unexpected joy that it brings. Loralee Miller never gets tired of the story.
Are you in the holiday spirit yet? If not, maybe you’d better get ready, because it’s sneaking up on you.
Operation Christmas Child collects shoeboxes filled with toys and gifts from people in the United States and delivers them to children in need around the world.
Roberta Josephson, Boxelder Bug Days Community Worship Service Coordinator, and Pastor Bruce Drackley, Pastor at Hope Lutheran and St.
David Naughton (Shopko Store Manager), presented a $1,000 grant check to the Food Box and Christmas Angels Program from the Shopko Foundation.
“We are excited to offer another year of the Christmas Angels Program,” said Director Amber Rodas.
The St. Edward School Christmas production, A Night in Bethlehem was shown Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday night.