Ask the Chief
You don't have to go very far to find posts or conversations where people are debating aspects of law enforcement.
You don't have to go very far to find posts or conversations where people are debating aspects of law enforcement.
Occasionally people come to the police department asking for help in situations that are not criminal in nature.
In Law Enforcement, I see many things and meet all kinds of people. Some are nice. Some are nasty. Some are giving and some are dangerous.
Recently, people have expressed a concern as to how dark Minneota is at night. They have asked if anything can be done to add lighting in neighborhoods.
We went from 40’s above zero to — 10 in just a few days. This type of cold can be extremely dangerous and hard on people, pets and vehicles.
Christmas is almost here and that means more Christmas fun and activities. Businesses and families will be having parties and more often than not these parties will include alcohol.
As Christmas and the New Year approach, I give you a gift in hopes of bettering your lives. This gift cannot be eaten nor can it be traded for riches.
Lock your cars and don't leave gifts or anything in your car that would tempt a thief. Don't have packages delivered to your home when you are gone.