Culvert replacement at Hwy 59 and Lyon CR 33 on May 11
MnDOT is replacing a culvert at the intersection of U.S. Highway 59 and Lyon County Road 33 on Tuesday, May 11. The intersection will be closed, and a short detour required.
MnDOT is replacing a culvert at the intersection of U.S. Highway 59 and Lyon County Road 33 on Tuesday, May 11. The intersection will be closed, and a short detour required.
All of us know about the scam phone calls, emails, and letters but many people, locals included, are being scammed when making purchases on a social media market places.
Minneota Public School
Monday, May 10
Breakfast: Breakfast pizza or notable, fruit, milk.
Lunch: Crispito or quesadilla, lettuce/cheese, fresh veggies, fruit, milk.
Garet DeBoer knocked down 25 straight clay targets last Thursday during a preliminary practice round prior to his two competitive rounds at Southwest Sportsmen’s Club in Minneota.
Farmers were out in full force this past week to plant corn and beans. This farmer east of Minneota along County Road 24 was planting on corn ground from last year.
First half 2021 property taxes are due on Monday, May 17th.
May 3-7 in National Teacher Appreciation Week. The administration and school board would like to thank all of our teachers in the Minneota School District for their dedication and hard work.
Ghent Citywide Garage Sales, May 7-8. 12 families (several multi-family sales). Maps available at City Hall, Cenex and 108 E. McQuestion St.