Honor students help Christmas Angels
Snow storms, end of semester projects, icy roads, gifts to be bought and wrapped, and bitter cold. It’s Christmas: the most wonderful time of the year.
Snow storms, end of semester projects, icy roads, gifts to be bought and wrapped, and bitter cold. It’s Christmas: the most wonderful time of the year.
Now in its fifth year, the local Christmas Angels Program that benefits needy families continues to grow.
This year the Christmas Angels program made the biggest impact is had made since its inception four years ago.
Roberta Josephson, Boxelder Bug Days Community Worship Service Coordinator, and Pastor Bruce Drackley, Pastor at Hope Lutheran and St.
David Naughton (Shopko Store Manager), presented a $1,000 grant check to the Food Box and Christmas Angels Program from the Shopko Foundation.
“We are excited to offer another year of the Christmas Angels Program,” said Director Amber Rodas.
Christmas Angels has providing support for a people in need help them find joy at Christmas time.